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The Earth does not manufacture any additional water. We are in a trapped eco-system. We have the same amount of water as the Romans did yet population numbers continue to grow to enormous levels.

  • Less than 1% of the world’s total water is available to us as clean, fresh, useable water. 99.5% of the worlds total is unavailable due to salt content, pollution or trapped in glacial ice.
  • Of the available water, landscape needs receive the lowest priority by the water management authorities. Water for hydration, for sanitation, for the growing of foods, for manufacturing, etc, all have a higher priority than landscape.
  • On average, during the summer, 80% of water use will be for irrigation and of that 50% is wasted. So up to 40% of total water use is wasted because of poor soils, poor or no irrigation systems, poor scheduling and NOT understanding the soil’s water filtration rate. The professional water providers know how much water is wasted through poor irrigation practices.
  • All over the world, including the Houston area are experiencing severe water shortages. We must simply manage and conserve our precious water better and that is where Organics truly shine.
  • All professional water managers agreed that lawns and landscapes must go Organic as a way to save water.

How Organics save water:
1) Organics like quality Compost, Humates and Organic fertilizers increase the soil’s water infiltration rate.
2) Quality Organics increase the soil’s water holding capacity.
3) Quality Organics will increase the root size of plants making it easier for them to find water.
4) Quality Organics strengthens plants making them better able to withstand limited water.

Highly recommended products to increase water conservation:

  • MicroLife Humates Plus
  • MicroLife Organic Fertilizers
  • Nature’s Way Compost
  • San Jac’s Regular Humates