Feed the soil and you feed the world.
The soil and plant have a spiritual union that is inseparable. Healthy soils will produce healthy plants that yield abundance and beauty. Certainly when the plants are healthy we eliminate the need for pesticides that are costly and dangerous. From an organic perspective then, everything we use must be good for the soil as well as the plant. Feed the soil as well as feed the plant.
True organic fertilizers and amendments work with the dynamic biological and chemical soil equilibrium. We work with Mother Nature rather than against her. We promote life in the soil and life in the plant.
Organic fertility products and practices will improve your soil, increase yields, reduce costs, promote health, beauty and provide for a safer and sounder future.
What is a true organic product? At San Jacinto if we call a product organic than that means it is approved for use by the Texas Department of Agriculture-Organic farm standards, the strongest rules and regulations in the world. Check the label and ask. Many products that are labeled as ‘organic’ or ‘all natural’ are neither.
Building Healthy Soils
Healthy soils are a complex ever changing biological continuum. Healthy soils contain an abundance of life. The total amount of living organisms in the soil is unbelievably large. In a single gram of healthy soil there are as many as 500 million microorganisms consisting of algae, fungi, bacteria, protozoan’s, nematodes, etc. That translates to 10,000 lb. to 50,000 lb. total weight of positive soil microorganisms in an acre plow slice of soil.
As these microorganisms live and die throughout the year, they act as a hidden workforce on our behalf by adding organic matter to the soil through their decomposition, chelating soil minerals for plant use, fighting plant disease and pest insects, increasing soil fertility by increasing the base exchange capacity, improving soil structure by releasing polysaccharides and creating humic acid through the breakdown of organic matter. As soil structure improves, this allows for greater fertility, root growth, water conservation and oxygen exchange.
In addition, a healthy soil microorganism population can contribute up to 300 lb. of nitrogen per year per acre to the plants! To maintain healthy soils in landscape, agriculture and nursery operations requires a continuous management program and the results are well worth the effort.
Healthy soils equal healthy plants and healthy plants are productive without the cost of pesticides.
Unless the soil is alive, truly alive, artificial stimulators like chemical fertilizers only sustain plant growth which by passes the natural process. Chemical fertilizers are derivatives of mineral salts in a concentrated form. The high salts in chemical fertilizers destroy soil life. Plants existing on only chemical fertilizers require increased amounts of pesticides because the plants cannot build natural immunities. If chemical fertilizers are used, insist on good quality, avoiding all fertilizers with Ammonia Nitrate and Potassium Chloride. (Muriate of Potash)
For a well managed soil system and therefore productive plants, constantly add organic matter as a food source for microorganisms and to improve soil health and structure. Return crop residues, lawn clippings and add mulch/compost to crops whenever possible. Avoid the use of soil applied insecticides, herbicides and fungicides whenever possible as these agents are poisons often with long residuals that destroy soil life and weaken the entire system. For example, between 1950 and 1980 American farmers applied 12 x as much pesticides (50 million lbs.-600 million lbs.) and still suffered twice the crop loss due to insects.
Encourage the use of organic fertilizers like MicroLife as they not only feed the plant, they provide a food source for soil microorganisms. Adjust the pH in the soil, provide proper drainage, and reduce soil compaction. Poor health in soils is breeding grounds for weeds and diseases. Check into the use of bio-inoculant’s like MicroGro, for they will build populations of positive soil microorganisms, remove toxins, remove salts and herbicide residuals while improving soil tilth. Bio-inoculant’s will also reduce the need for fertilizers and pesticides. As the soils become healthier, the plants become stronger and that is a profitable situation for us all.